jueves, 12 de julio de 2012

Dare to Change.


The diet consists of counseling, training or the combination of the two boards diet + training. Diets are enough to weight loss such as weight gain or muscle mass.
The price of the pack is:

30€/every two months.

This pack includes weekly weight checks, e-mail available and active in atenderos to all your questions, my staff number for any questions, training or diet change and supplementation also helps.

I also have personal trainer services in which there are people who need someone to force you, motivate you and help you achieve your goals faster. It consists of 1 hour or hour and a half days entrenéis these being supervised by me at all times. The price of this pack is 20 euros each session. It is obvious that
I think people and these are the choices:

20 / session
50 / if you hire one month
75 / if you hire two months

The results are immediate, attention is maximum, dedication to my clients is total, and its progress, are my progress.
And I already submitted now for you to choose the path.

EMAIL: jesuleentrenadorpersonal@gmail.com

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